What is a lat?
The latissimus dorsi, more commonly known as the lats, are a pair of large, flat muscles that run from the lower back down to the upper arm. The lats are responsible for a variety of movements, including pulling the arm down and back, and rotating the arm inward. The lats are also a key muscle in the back, providing support and stability.

What are Lat Insertions?
Lat insertions are the point in the back that the lats connect to. These insertions”are determined by genetics but a back can look fuller with lower lat focused exercises.
Note: A simple trick to target the lower lat is to use an underhand grip in movements such as bent over row and machine pulldowns
High Lats VS Low Lats
There is an ever-present debate in the bodybuilding community on which is more “pleasing to the eye”. The majority of bodybuilders argue that the lower lat insertion gives a fuller look to the back giving the body a “dorito” shape. However, many still argue that high lat insertions are more visually appealing, giving the person the appearance of a smaller waist. Generally, high lat insertions are associated with classic physique, where low lats are considered more favorable in men’s bodybuilding where weight (and drug testing) is less of a factor.

what is a lat spread?
The lat spread is a pose that is often used in bodybuilding competitions to showcase the fullness and muscularity of the lats.This is an important aesthetic for many bodybuilders, as a wide and muscular back is seen as a sign of strength and power.
Why is the lat spread so Popular?
The rear and front lat spread are two of the seven traditional poses in bodybuilding competitions. The pose has also seen popularity on social media in a new and emerging young generation of bodybuilders that seek to showcase their physiques in the same way that pros do on stage.
Read Also: Zyzz Pose – Backstory and Tutorial
How to lat spread
1. place hands on bottom of rib cage and flair elbows out

2. Lean as far forward as possible keeping elbows flaired

3. Lean back keeping tension in the lats

4. Puff chest