Best PreWorkout For Teens (From Experience)



BEst Stim-Free

Pump Serum


Ryse Godzilla


Podium Fuse

Best Overall

Bucked up Black

 Tips before Buying Preworkout for Teenagers

  1. Avoid pre-workouts with a proprietary ingredient blend.
  2. Don’t buy anything with stimulants such as DMAA, DMHA, DMBA etc.
  3. Stick to serving sizes

Putting on Muscle isn't easy. As a 19 year old just escaping the wrath of puberty I am glad I have taken advantage of the years where testosterone is in full swing. As a teen just starting out, I had the motivation to workout but lacked the energy to lift as I combatted early wakeup times. When I finally discovered preworkout at 14 I had the ability to be able to get in a productive workout where I was able to begin build my physique and crush some pr's. Jumping from one pre-workout gave me the ability to try new flavors, ingredients, and most importantly figure out what would give me the best pump and energy as possible. Whether you are a teen just starting out in the weight room like I was, or a an experienced lifter with some weight under your belt, these 5 preworkouts will give you the juiciest pump and make you feel like the next young Arnold.

Best Pump: PRE-KAGED

What is great about Kaged is that Is the fact that it not only gave me one of the best pumps of my life, but also gave me a great focus and mind muscle connection. The energy was good but not overwhelming and the recovery times on pre-kaged were faster than other pre-workouts I have used in the past.  






⚫274 mg organic Caffeine, 1.6 Grams L-citrulline, 1.5 GRams Creatine HCL


PUMP-SERUM is a great preworkout for any teenager who is starting out and whose parents are unsure whether they want them to take caffeine. I took pump-serum for a while during a caffeine detox and was able to feel the same pump (if not better) and focus that other preworkouts gave me without the rush of caffeine in my system. 


⚫Great for a first preworkout (No Caffeine)

⚫Clean blend of ingredients


Key ingredients

⚫3000 MG betaine anhydrous, 3000 mg Glycerpump (65% glycerol powder)


Where does one even start with Ryse Godzilla. The energy I felt while taking this pre-workout is unmatched to any I have taken. The 1/ 2 serving option is great for teen athletes and gym goers that feel the need for more caffeine and other ingredients on leg days where things may need to get gritty. This preworkout is great for teenagers who have taken preworkout before and need a more intense, long-lasting blend to help their athletic performance or overall ability to move weight in the gym. 


⚫Great Energy

⚫4o/20 servings (1 scoop/2 scoop option)


Key ingredients

⚫3.2/6.4 g beta alanine, 175/350 mg caffeine, 2.5/5 g creatine mono (2 serving option)

BEst Low-Stim: Podium FUse

Podium is the perfect first for any 14, 15, or 16 year old looking to improve their performance in the gym or on the field. I continue to use this preworkout today as I feel no adverse affects such as crashes due to the clean nature of the blend. Matt Fraser, five time CrossFit champion, was the sole creator of this blend so it is not surprising why it makes you feel like you could run a few miles.


⚫No crash

⚫Clean energy


Key INgredients

⚫3200 mg Beta Alanine, 200 mg Caffeine, 4000mg L-Citrulline

BEst Overall: Bucked Up Black

Bucked Up Black is the pocket knife of preworkouts. I already was in love with the original, but the mineral blend in this new version changes the game. Not only is the energy perfect for any teen trying to hit the weight room, the pump and focus from the blend is off the charts. Bucked Up Black won’t make you feel over stimulated or jittery after the workout and in no way has it affected my sleep even after taking it at later hours. 


⚫Insane energy

⚫little to No crash


Key ingredients

⚫200mg caffeine, 6000 mg l-citrulline, 200mg beta alanine